Class Supplies & Fees
Southern Hills Recommended Supply Lists
6th Grade Supply List
6th Grade Supply List
Please label all supplies with student name.
- (4) Dry-erase markers
- (3) Highlighters
- Pens/pencils A box of pencils
- Colored pencils (8-12 are plenty)
- Wired Headphones- nothing fancy, nothing wireless
- Basic calculator
- 3-Ring Binders
- One for Math (1.5 inch or larger)
- One for Language Arts
- One for Science
- 5 Tab Dividers ( for Language Arts class)
- Composition notebook
- Spiral notebooks with built-in folders or separate folders
- One for Social Studies
- One if taking Spanish
- Lined notebook paper
- Notecards
- Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 1
- Percussionists will use the “Combined Percussion” book
- Combination lock
- (1) composition notebook (to be kept in class)
- Essential Elements Book 1 and 2 for your instrument
- Combination lock for orchestra locker (violins & violas ONLY)
- (1) 1” Black 3-ring binder
- 3 ring pencil pouch w/ 2 pencils to leave in Orchestra room
- 5 tab dividers
- Uniform shirt
- 6th graders will pick up their PE shirt at Photo & Locker Day in August. A $7.00 fee will be added to all 6th graders at the beginning of the school year. (Information for purchasing extra shirts coming in August.)
- Shorts
- Athletic shoes
Community Supplies (to be dropped off on Photo & Locker Day in August)
6th Grade - Tissues (1 or more multi-pack)
7th Grade Supply List
7th Grade Supply List
Please label all supplies with student name.
- (4) Dry-erase markers (to keep in math class)
- (3) Highlighters
- Pens/pencils
- Colored pencils
- Headphones
- Protractor
- Basic calculator or Scientific for Algebra and Math 3
- Graph paper
- Lined notebook paper (3 ring)
- (3) 3 ring binders
- One for Social Studies
- One for Science (to keep in classroom)
- One for Math (1.5 or 2 inches)
- (2) Spiral or Composition notebooks (language arts, french)
- Spiral notebook or section in binder f/ Spanish
- (2) folders
- Notecards
- Tradition of Excellence Book 2
- Percussionists will use the “Combined Percussion” book
- Combination lock
- (1) 2 pocket folder (to keep in class)
- Essential Elements Book 2 (Purple Book) and Essential Elements Book 3 for your instrument
- Combination lock for orchestra locker (violins & violas ONLY)
- (1) 1” Black 3-ring binder
- 3 ring pencil pouch w/ 2 pencils
- 5 tab dividers
- Uniform shirt
- New 7th grade students will pick up their PE shirt at Photo & Locker Day in August. A $7.00 fee will be added to all new 7th graders at the beginning of the school year. (Information for purchasing extra shirts coming in August.)
- Details for current students to order replacment or additional PE shirts coming in August.
- Shorts
- Athletic shoes
- Spiral notebook for health
Food Fun
- Plate, silverware, cup
Community Supplies (to be dropped off on Photo & Locker Day in August)
7th Grade - Tissues (1 or more multi-pack)
8th Grade Supply List
8th Grade Supply List Please label all supplies with student name.
Food Fun
Community Supplies (to be dropped off on Photo & Locker Day in August) 8th Grade - Tissues (1 or more multi-pack) |